BISC Methodology

Intervention Design

We develop behaviorally informed interventions that can effectively tackle the root cause of the problem.  Although it is important to draw from others’ experience and success stories of solving similar problems, our team relies on extensive expertise in applied behavioral sciences to adapt every intervention to a specific situation. This is key to our work because we recognize that context matters – something that worked in one place might not work in another. 

The Process of Intervention Design


Ideation is a solution-idea-creation process through which we generate and select ideas by using proven tools from behavioral sciences. Ideation ensures that we develop solutions which can influence triggers/barriers of particular behaviors and can incentivize desired behaviors. 

In the end of the Ideation process, we have solutions on how to eliminate barriers/triggers for individuals, or how to guide individuals around these barriers/triggers, or how to motivate individuals to overcome these barriers/triggers. Solutions can include such interventions as – optimization or enhancement of the process, optimization of physical space or user journey, innovation with technological solutions, framing or reframing offers and messages, development of prompts or rewards systems, etc. 


Once we identify the most promising solutions, we turn them into testable prototypes and assess them in real-life situation. By Prototyping process, we validate the effectiveness of the selected interventions at the sample of actual target group. In the end of the Prototyping process, we provide final interventions that can be experimented on a larger scale. We make sure that each intervention meets the EAST Framework criteria – Easy/intuitive, Attractive, Social and Timely. 

See Our Projects

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