Unveiling the Drivers of Consumer Food Safety Behavior

How to increase consumer engagement in improving food safety standards using behavioral insights?

In recent years, amid the generally improved situation in terms of food safety, consumers are still less aware of the importance of food safety.

Accordingly, the interest in the issue and their participation in the process of enforcement of food safety control is insignificant. The practice of reporting food safety violations is also low, which creates a significant barrier to timely response.

Facilitating change in consumer behavior is one of the most important tasks.

BISC Partners conducted a study “Drivers of Consumer Food Safety Behavior”.

The study was carried out within the framework of the project “Increased Agricultural Practices and Consumer Awareness” funded within the framework of the fourth phase (ENPARD IV) of the European Union “European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development” (ENPARD – Georgia).

The behavioral insights methodology used by BISC Partners offers a scientifically proven way to identify an irrational system and provide solutions to drive consumers to take the desired action: increase consumer and other stakeholders (media, civil society organizations) involvement in food safety standards and In the process of improving consumer protection mechanisms.

The project is implemented by a consortium, which includes the Association of Farmers of Georgia (the lead partner), the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) and the Association of Farmers and Beekeepers of the Ambrolauri district of the mountainous regions of Georgia.

BISC Partners behavioral science experts worked on the study.

Learn more about the research.


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